Wednesday, April 8, 2009

California Vacation

Arrived in Los Angeles on time via a Southwest puddle jumper! haha Actually we only stopped in one city which was Oakland.

Beautiful and sunny in LA. Caught the shuttle to the car rental site and then on to IN-N-OUT Burgers for lunch before hitting the road.

We decided to take the Pacific Coast Highway from LA to Ventura.

The PCH runs from Los Angeles to Olympia WA (although the northern most point is Port Angeles WA as the highway runs along the coast, then east towards Puget Sound and and then south to Olympia). Total length is between 1800 and 2000 miles.

We "dilly-dallied" our way, stopping here and there, some of our own choice, other times dictated by traffic! :) We arrived in Ventura about 6:30. We got settled in to our hotel, the Vagabond Inn and then walked over to the ocean and out on to the Ventura Pier. Very comfortable temperature wise and beautiful weather!

And that's it for now...

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